
Monday, April 11, 2016

How to be Iron Man

It's funny how time flies, the last time I made a post I was building a Metal working tool board. 5 years later and BAM! I'm looking at moving out of metal work and moving into Wood work. I don't know why or how it happens, you just get bogged down, working from project to project, trying to get ahead finding time to breath and ways to connect with students. In the end, trying to do it all never works, you do what you can and hope for the best, find people along the way to share ideas with and help you further your skills along the way. 

What better way to end the metal working chapter in my life then by doing a fun project. To pay homage to all the Iron Men and Women in my life, I decided to try my hand at building a full size Iron man Helmet. You can find any number of templates online, but in order to simplify the process I made a few adjustments to make the process simpler.

This particular helmet was made from 22 gage sheet metal. To fill in the dents and cracks I used auto body filler.

The Battle damage paint job was twofold; one because it looks cool. and two to hind any imperfections that may have been left from earlier stages. 

And of course you cant really build an Iron man helmet without building Cap's Shield.
This shield was made of 18 gage . sheet metal and formed with a power hammer then taped and painted. eventually this shield will get the battle damage treatment as well.